Last year NBC premiered the Los Angeles Police Department drama, Southland and renewed the show after a positive response to the failing NBC network. After shooting the season however, NBC abruptly canceled the show; not surprising that the network was in the midst of changing the late night line-up. The show, however caught a break. TNT picked up the show and its 6 original episodes along with the seven newly shot episodes of season 2. Luckily, someone got it right.
This show is outstanding. Not only does it have one of the most diverse casts in TV right now, its just a plain old good drama. You immediately get pulled into the stories of each police officer or detective. Shot in a short of ER/Homicide Life on the Street look and feel, the pace is quick and camera movement is fitting. Granted, the show takes a pretty realistic view of crime in Los Angeles - everything from yuppy white suburbia's problems with drugs and domestic violence, to the gang problems in our communities of color. The stories are getting more realistic as the violence in Mexico come to life in the second's season.
Not only does the show have good dialogue and realistic cinematography, but the actors are just so great (and hot!). Maybe its fairly unrealistic to imagine a police department where everyone is so suave and good-looking, but I'm not complaining. Regina King is so hot and just the best actress in TV drama right now too! This season has also seen the addition of some pretty popular Latino actors.
Kevin Alejandro (Ugly Betty), Amaury Nolasco (Prison Break), Laz Alonzo (Avatar), and other small role Latino actors took part in Season 2, Episode 1 "Phase Three". In season one, Lupe Ontiveros made a guest appearance in an unusual role as a gang queen! So, while some of the roles relegated to the Latino actors are gang-related, at least the police department shows some great diversity in characters.
I will totally give this show my attention - and hope that it gets picked up for a third season.